Friday 12 February 2016

Week 4 - Revision for Photoshop Assessment

Finally we have come to an end of the photoshop session. As our assessment is next week, our lecturer decided to do some revision for about 30 minutes before our class end. During the revision, we just go through what we had learnt in class so far and try to recall all the different tools and the purposes of each tool. 

Well, i have to say that it was really hard for me because i am having a hard time to memorise all the step. But at the same time i was glad that i could catch up with the lesson. Maybe all i need is a lot of self practice at home so that i will be familiar with all the tools and understand the purposes so that in the future i will not have a hard time doing any photoshop project. How i wish photoshop lesson will have a longer session so that we can learn other new things instead of just the basic. Nevertheless, it was worth the time in class going through the computerised technical drawing class.

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